As the second most common type of cancer for men in the United States, prostate cancer affects more than 164,000 men each year, with more than 29,000 of those men ultimately dying from prostate cancer.
In most cases, prostate cancer affects men over the age of sixty-five (65). However, prostate cancer has the potential to affect men of all ages and ethnic backgrounds. In addition to age, ethnic background, and genetics, environmental factors have been linked to prostate cancer. 9/11 first responders and survivors were exposed to toxic chemicals and substances that have been linked to cancer that developed years later.
Are there cases of prostate cancer from world trade center exposure and would this be covered under the Zadroga act?
Video: Are there cases of prostate cancer from WTC exposure? Is this covered under the Zadroga Act?
Yes there have been claims of prostate and prostate cancer is a covered condition. If you think you have developed prostate cancer from 9/11 then what you would do next is sign up for the World Trade Center Health program and be evaluated by a doctor. Once that doctor certifies that your prostate cancer is in fact related to your exposure after 9/11 then you would move on to the VCF claim process.
You would also have to prove that you were present in that specific area during the relevant time frame. If you believe that you have prostate cancer related to your exposure please give us a call we can get you started in the process.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) keeps track of cancer statistics related to the 9/11 attacks. According to the CDC, prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer that has developed in first responders and survivors of the 9/11 attacks. More than 1,600 first responders and more than 300 survivors have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, demonstrating that there is a link between exposure to toxins and the development of prostate cancer.
While the consequences of prostate cancer can be devastating and fatal, many 9/11 first responders and survivors can seek compensation and treatment through the Victims Compensation Fund established by the 9/11 Zadroga Act. The New York 9/11 Zadroga Cancer Claims Lawyers of Parker Waichman LLP help many victims file claims to obtain the compensation they need and deserve.
Prostate Cancer and Exposure to Toxins Resulting from the 9/11 Terror Attacks

Because prostate cancer has plagued nearly 2,000 9/11 first responders and survivors, it is crucial that all male first responders and survivors are aware of prostate cancer symptoms. Some men may not experience any symptoms. As such, frequent screening and monitoring is key to ensure prostate cancer is detected and treated early on. Additionally, there are varying degrees of prostate cancer with some forms moving slowly and others more aggressively. But, regardless of what type of prostate cancer a man develops, early intervention essential. Common symptoms of prostate cancer to look out for include, but may not be limited to, the following:
- Pain or discomfort in the pelvic area;
- Bone pain;
- Difficulty urinating;
- Decreased urine stream;
- Fatigue;
- Flu-like symptoms;
- Erectile dysfunction; and
- Blood in semen.
Prostate cancer affects not only the victim, but also loved ones who rely on the victim, such as spouses, parents, and children. No amount of money can undo the damage that 9/11 caused so many individuals, families, and our country as a whole. However, the Victim Compensation Fund provides one way for victims to seek necessary medical treatment and compensation to help them and their loved ones overcome a deadly disease that plagues far too many men each year.
Contact a New York 9/11 Zadroga Cancer Claims Attorney Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation
If you are a 9/11 first responder or survivor and have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, you should be aware that you may be entitled to compensation through the Victim Compensation Fund. To find out if you have a potential claim, it is first important to speak with a qualified New York 9/11 Zadroga Cancer Claims Lawyer.
With four office locations in New York, the 9/11 Zadroga Cancer Claims Lawyers of Parker Waichman LLP has the necessary resources and tools to help you seek the compensation you deserve. To find out whether you have a potential September 11th Victim Compensation claim for prostate cancer, contact Parker Waichman LLP today by calling (800) YOUR-LAWYER (968-7529) to schedule your free consultation.