Thyroid Cancer Lawsuits Lawyers Help Recover Compensation with the 9/11 Zadroga Act

Affecting more than 50,000 people each year, with seventy-five percent (75%) of these people being women, thyroid cancer is a debilitating disease that can alter vital bodily functions. Approximately 2,000 people will die from thyroid cancer. The thyroid produces hormones that affect blood pressure, weight, heart rate, and body temperature. While a significant number of people diagnosed with thyroid cancer will survive the disease, the treatment process is often painful, and there is always a chance that thyroid cancer will return.
Many risk factors contribute to a person’s chance of being diagnosed with thyroid cancer. For reasons that are not fully known, thyroid cancer affects significantly more women than men. Additionally, environmental factors play a role in causing a person’s cancer. A significant number of first responders and survivors of the 9/11 terror attacks on the World Trade Center are suffering the long-term consequences of this horrific tragedy on our soil. Many of these first responders and survivors will be diagnosed with cancer in the coming years as cancer does not develop overnight. Cancer develops years or even decades after exposure to toxic substances.
Thyroid cancer is the fifth most common type of cancer first responders and survivors have developed, with more than 380 of these individuals being first responders and more than 120 of them being survivors. Because cancer is common among 9/11 first responders and survivors, Congress recognized the need to pass laws to help these victims overcome the fight against cancer. Congress put its plan into action by creating the 9/11 Zadroga Act, which was signed into law by President Obama. At Parker Waichman LLP, our New York 9/11 Zadroga Cancer Claims Lawyers assist first responders and survivors in seeking compensation through the Victim Compensation Fund under the Zadroga Act.
Thyroid Cancer and Exposure to Toxins Resulting from the 9/11 Terror Attacks

All 9/11 first responders and survivors should be aware that they have a higher chance of developing cancer because they were exposed to toxic materials and substances at ground zero, such as dust particles. Women should be especially aware of the risk of developing thyroid cancer as this type of cancer is much more prevalent for them than for men. The symptoms of thyroid cancer to look out for include, but may not be limited to, the following:
- A lump in the neck;
- Voice hoarseness;
- Difficulty swallowing;
- Neck pain;
- Throat pain;
- Swollen lymph nodes;
- Fatigue; and
- Flu-like symptoms.
Thyroid cancer does not always exhibit symptoms in the early stages. As cancer progresses, the symptoms become more apparent. But, because many people do not experience any symptoms at all, even in later stages, it is critical to undergo routine screening and testing, especially if you are a 9/11 first responder or survivor. While thyroid cancer results in a whole host of consequences, such as physical and mental pain and suffering, a mountain of medical expenses, the inability to work, and poor quality of life, the ability to file a 9/11 Zadroga Cancer Claim has helped many victims by providing them the compensation they need and deserve.
Contact a New York 9/11 Zadroga Thyroid Cancer Claim Attorney Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation
If you or a loved one is a 9/11 first responder or survivor and are suffering from thyroid cancer, you may be eligible for compensation through the 9/11 Zadroga Act’s Victim Compensation Fund. To learn whether or not you qualify to receive compensation, it is essential that you speak with a Zadroga Act cancer claims attorney who will thoroughly evaluate your potential claim. To discuss possible options with a member of our legal team, contact the New York Zadroga Act thyroid cancer claim attorneys of Parker Waichman LLP today by calling (800) YOUR-LAWYER (968-7529) to schedule your free consultation.