Find A Top Class-Action Lawyer And Seek Justice
What Is A Class Action Lawsuit, And What Does A Class Action Attorney Do?
Every year, consumers miss out on countless dollars and unscrupulous corporations sell defective and mispresented products without consequence, all because of misconceptions about class action lawsuits. While some of these misconceptions are driven by deliberate misinformation campaigns, others stem from understandable misunderstandings of this more complex (but vastly more efficient) litigation process.
The following explains the mechanics of class actions, outlines some matters to consider when deciding between individual or class action litigation, and demonstrates how a class action lawyer aids the process.
How Do You Know If You Are Part Of A Class-Action Lawsuit And Need A Class Action Lawyer?
Many of us have been part of a class covered by a class-action lawsuit, whether or not we knew it. Class members not involved in the actual litigation may be unaware of the case until they receive a postcard or a seemingly random email notifying them that they might be eligible for compensation.
Often, the available reward is money, but it might also be a gift card, store credit, a rebate or another economic benefit. Depending on the case, the value of the award may range from a few dollars to thousands.
Can A Class Action Lawyer Make Class-Action Lawsuits Worth It?
Class-action litigation is an invaluable tool for protecting the rights of consumers in circumstances where bringing their cases individually would be cost-prohibitive. By aggregating the claims of multiple injured consumers, class actions provide a means to right wrongs that would otherwise slip through the cracks.
Furthermore, class-action lawsuits play a vital role in holding careless or unscrupulous companies responsible for causing financial injuries to or violating the rights of a large group of individuals. Even if an individual consumer is out only a few dollars because of a defective or misrepresented product, the company that sold the product might reap millions in extra profits while thousands of other consumers are subjected to the same wrong. But a class action allows injured consumers to benefit and obtain reimbursement.
In a class action, the few dollars spent by each consumer add up to a massive liability threat and thus a true incentive for the company to change its unfair practices. In this manner, class actions not only remedy injuries but also prevent them from occurring in the future. And by dishing out punishment for deception and product defects, class actions prevent unscrupulous companies from gaining an advantage over honest competitors.
Yet, like any case, a class action must begin with one or a small group of injured consumers. Someone has to initiate the lawsuit, and the person who does so is probably someone just like you.
How Many People Are Needed To Open Class-Action Lawsuits?
There is no specific number of plaintiffs required for a class-action suit to be filed. However, the plaintiffs have the most chance of a success if the group consists of more than 20 individuals. If there are more than 50 plaintiffs, the odds get even better.
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