Ensure Full Compensation For Your Workplace Assault Lawsuit
You deserve to feel safe at work, and when a violent incident occurs at your place of employment, you need the best legal representation on your side. Acts of violence in the workplace are unfortunately on the rise.
Can you sue for verbal abuse in the workplace too? Absolutely! A lawsuit for an unsafe work environment may result in compensation when you are assisted by some of the best workplace abuse lawyers in the nation. Parker Waichman LLP has been helping victims or the families of victims file workplace violence lawsuits to recover financial compensation.
What Is Workplace Violence?

When people think about workplace violence, they often picture a current or former employee who suddenly snaps and brings a weapon to work. In reality, these kinds of episodes make up only a fraction of the violence perpetrated in the workplace. A large portion of workplace violence involves a third party, unconnected to the business and the victim, who comes in with the intent of committing a robbery or other crime.
In addition, a significant percentage of workplace violence involves intimidation, harassment, and threats. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, workplace violence is a “violent act directed toward persons at work or on duty,” including threats of assault, threatening behavior, and verbal abuse.
If you have experienced a physical, behavioral, or verbal act of violence at your workplace, contact Parker Waichman LLP to find out what legal options you might have for recovery.
You deserve to feel safe at work. Our experienced attorneys at Parker Waichman LLP are here to help you seek justice and secure full compensation for workplace violence or unsafe work environments. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us fight for your rights.
Workplace Assault Lawsuit
When an employee feels at risk at work, they may be eligible to pursue a workplace assault lawsuit. A creditable threat of physical violence, verbal harassment, or sexual assault should be immediately reported to a supervisor or human resources professional. If that report is not resolved, the employee who is being assaulted has the right to file a workplace assault lawsuit for negligence in civil court. Work-related lawsuit lawyers are familiar with tactics that employers use to suppress employee lawsuits. At Parker Waichman LLP, we are prepared to handle your workplace lawsuit.
Workplace Violence Lawsuit
When a violent incident occurs in the workplace, the employee may be eligible for compensation for any injuries and damages. If you are injured at work and workers’ compensation doesn’t cover your injury, you have the legal right to file a negligence lawsuit in civil court against your employer if they knew about the threat and did not do anything to prevent it.
Strengthen your position by relying on the work-related lawsuit lawyers at Parker Waichman LLP.
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